March 14, 2024
Dear Clergy, Parish Council Presidents, Parish Council Treasurers & Esteemed Parish Council Members,
With the blessings of His Eminence, Metropolitan Alexios, on behalf of the Metropolis Finance Committee, I am pleased to enclose the 2025 Archdiocese Total Commitment Allocation package, which includes the following documents:
It is imperative that the parish Treasurers and those who prepare the Allocation Forms read the Manual and become familiar with the expense deduction categories and with the requirements for substantiating and documenting all the claimed deductions. (Insofar as not all parishes have updated the contact information of their lay leaders, the Finance Committee kindly asks that any past officers in receipt of this email please forward it onto their successors.) The Metropolis Finance Committee will assist parishes to maximize their claimed deductions. However, failure to comply with these requirements may result in rejection of the parish’s expense deductions, which will affect adversely its allocation assessment.
The 2025 Data Form (Allocation Form) is basically the same as the 2024 Data Form with the exception of two STEWARDSHIP questions at the bottom of the page. It is important that each parish take the time to enter the data as noted on the form.
There is also a new BALANCE SHEET TAB that each parish needs to complete. This will provide the Archdiocese with a detail breakdown of BALANCE SHEET data for the previous two years.
The Reconciliation and Questionnaire Forms must accompany the Data Form in order to support and substantiate the claimed expense deductions. Failure to include these supporting documents may result in the rejection of some or all of the parish’s expense deductions. Some parishes have been using their own version of reconciliation (or mapping) form. They may continue using their own versions to the extent they are acceptable to the Metropolis Finance Committee.
PLEASE NOTE: Each Parish is obligated to submit an updated CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE EACH YEAR to the Archdiocese that MUST list the Metropolis of Atlanta AND the Archdiocese of North America as additional insureds. Policies tend to renew each year. Parishes should instruct their insurance company or agent to automatically submit upon renewal year DIRECTLY TO THE AOA. Parish elections may not be ratified if your parish in not in compliance with this request.
The dates for submission of the data forms are as follows. The dates represent date-stamp of e-mail receipt.
As shown at the bottom of the allocation form, please submit the allocation forms and all required supporting documents as follows:
Please address any questions about the process and the enclosed documents to the undersigned at, or cell phone 912-695-7761.
In His service,
George N. Donkar,
Metropolis Finance Committee