On November 8th, in the Metropolis of Atlanta's Archangel Michael Chapel, Metropolitan Alexios, celebrated a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in commemoration of the Feast of Archangel Michael and the Heavenly Hosts (Angels). Archangel Michael is the Patron Saint of the Atlanta Metropolis. Celebrating in the Holy Altar with Him were Fr. George Tsahakis, Chancellor, Fr. Paul Kaplanis and Fr. Christos Mars, Dean & Ephemerios, respectively of Annunciation Cathedral. His Eminence hosted a beautiful brunch afterwards for our Atlanta parishioners, visitors, and Metropolis staff. Chronia Polla to all celebrating their Name Day. We pray for safe travels for our Metropolis Council, Metropolis Philoptochos Board, Vicars, Archons, Endowment Foundation Board, and HDF Committee members who will be meeting throughout the rest of this week in Atlanta. We are proud of our 2018 Archangel Michael Honorees and look forward to Saturday's Banquet and Sunday's Hierarchical Liturgy at Annunciation Cathedral in Atlanta.