Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta offered an interview, or rather a theological and spiritual conversation, to The National Herald explaining and meditating on the sacred events of Holy Week and the Resurrection.
Our conversation started with the simple question of how he planned to celebrate Holy Week and Pascha this year, and he replied by saying, “If one were to interpret this question in a secular way of thinking, one could wonder whether this Holy Week and Easter is going to be like years past, or if something different will happen. Nevertheless, the way that our Orthodox Tradition urges us to receive this blessed period of the year is deeper and esoteric. The purpose of Great Lent is to prepare us for Holy Week; the purpose of Holy Week is to commemorate the Passion of our Lord; and the purpose of commemorating our Lord’s Crucifixion, death, and burial is to prepare us so that we will be able to participate in His Resurrection and the New Creation it brings.