After four days of rain and flooding in southeast Louisiana, the damage is staggering: Eleven people have been killed, more than 10,000 people are staying in emergency shelters, more than 20,000 have been displaced, and more than 36,000 have registered for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Fr. Anthony Monteleone, Proistamenos of Holy Trinity Church in Baton Rouge, LA, expressed tonight his gratitude that no loss of life or injuries have been experienced by his parishioners. However, his church building has suffered heavy water damage and preliminary assessments regarding damages and needed repairs are underway. The Parish Council has been monitoring the storm and its impact. Although the church will not be usable until repairs and restoration are made, Fr. Anthony and the Parish Council are making plans for Sunday services at another location for this Sunday and continuing until repairs are completed. Although no parishioners were injured, several families have been displaced due to flooding and Fr. Anthony commended his parishioners for offering their assistance and housing those whose homes were flooded. Metropolitan Alexios has asked our clergy and parishioners of the Metropolis of Atlanta to continue to offer their prayers for both our Holy Trinity parish in Baton Rouge and those whose families suffered deaths and losses to their homes and businesses. His Eminence is most grateful to our National and Metropolis Philoptochos leaders for offering their assistance, as well as that offered by the IOCC.
We thank our Lord for His mercy and we entreat His mercy on all those who have died as well as those who lost their homes and businesses. Lord, have mercy.
Very Rev. Fr. George Tsahakis Chancellor Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta 2480 Clairmont Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Tel.: 404/634-9345 FAX: 404/634-2471