Winston-Salem, N. C. (September 19, 2016) — While most of the Metropolis of Atlanta was celebrating the Feast Day of the Elevation of the Holy Cross, the Annunciation Church in Winston-Salem also celebrated the ordination of their deacon to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios.
Fr. Constantine Shepherd has served his Winston-Salem community as the Youth Director for many years. He was ordained into the Diaconate in 2010 and has worked with St. Stephen’s Summer Camp for 13 years, this year serving as a camp director for the first time. He previously was a law enforcement officer, retiring after 30 years of service.
Prior to his ordination, standing in front of the altar, Fr. Constantine was asked if he had anything he wanted to say. He answered, “This spot is very important to me. It was on this spot that I converted to the Orthodox faith, this spot that I married my wife, this spot that our children were baptized, this spot that my son was married, this spot that my grandson was baptized, this spot where I was ordained into the Diaconate, and now by the Grace of God this spot where I join the Holy Priesthood.”