I greet you with love and joy in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, praying that we all receive shelter under His Holy Cross!
As we approach that midpoint of Great Lent, we are blessed that nine months before the Feast of the Nativity, the events of March 25th give us spiritual refreshment during this holy period.
During Lent, some can become so focused on taming their passions, that they might believe it is a sin to feel too happy, or to experience much enjoyment. However, we know that the Sunday of the Holy Cross & the Feast of the Annunciation specifically fall during Great Lent to remind us that the Fast is not meant to be full of sadness. Our Lord's Incarnation through the Theotokos brought Him to minister to us, and then to suffer on the Cross--but all this was done so that He might Rise on the third day, thereby granting us the chance to join Him in His Heavenly Kingdom.
When we begin this Fast, we welcome Spring, and we can see how our Lord's Creation is also resurrecting into new life. Even historically, our brave forefathers and mothers chose this feast as the day to begin their Revolution against their Ottoman occupiers, seeking to begin again on the very day when our salvation began. Therefore, just as I continue to rest and follow the appropriate medical advice day-by-day. I greet you on the occasion of this coming Feast Day in a spirit of joyful positivity, and I hope that you will greet others in the same manner, remembering the humility with which our Ever-Virgin Mary accepted the Angel's greeting. We should never forget that by remaining humble and trusting in God, she was able to correct Eve's disobedience, and to help us all achieve salvation.
Looking forward to greeting you in the love and light of the Resurrection, I remain
With paternal blessings and with much love in our Lord,
+ A L E X I O S Metropolitan of Atlanta