On Wednesday, November 8th, His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios prayed for all those celebrating the Synaxis of Archangel Michael and all the Bodiless Powers or Angels. He presided at the Hierarchical Liturgy in Archangel Michael Chapel with His Grace Bishop Sevastianos of Zelon, Fr. George Tsahakis, Chancellor of the Metropolis, Fr. Paul Kaplanis, Dean, and Fr. On Wednesday, November 8th, His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios prayed for all those celebrating the Synaxis of Archangel Michael and all the Bodiless Powers or Angels. He presided at the Hierarchical Liturgy in Archangel Michael Chapel with His Grace Bishop Sevastianos of Zelon, Fr. George Tsahakis, Chancellor of the Metropolis, Fr. Paul Kaplanis, Dean, and Fr. Christos Mars, Ephemerios, of Annunciation Cathedral. The Blessing of the Five Loaves (Artoklasia) was offered for the health and welfare of all those celebrating their Name Day and for Fr. George & Presbytera Theodosia Tsahakis who made them. A Trisagion Service was offered for the previous Hierarchs of the Metropolis of Atlanta and for Fr. Peter Leventis whose funeral is Friday. The Metropolis Staff, including Ethel Gjerde, JoAnne Mertzanis, Nick Kostopoulos, and Monica Gjerde hosted a reception for all the faithful and His Eminence blessed and cut the festive cake.
On behalf of His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios, I convey our great excitement to welcome the five Metropolitan’s Choices Honorees and the two Honorees from each of our 74 parishes this weekend for our Archangel Michael Feast & Honors Banquet Saturday night and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at our Annunciation Cathedral on Sunday. We pray for safe travels and God's continued blessings on the faithful stewards being recognized. Chronia Polla to all celebrating their Name Day on November 8th, and the Patronal Feast of our Holy and God-Protected Metropolis of Atlanta.