After much careful consideration, in light of this year’s Metropolis Clergy-Laity Assembly, Philoptochos Conference, Choir Federation, & Presbyteres Meetings, the Metropolis has decided to forego our Annual Spring Presidents' Meeting. We hope that by offering this singular opportunity for planning, discussion and fellowship we shall see even greater Parish Council representation in Jacksonville, on June 25-29, 2019.
Parishes can download the forms, instructions, and manual to complete their 2020 Archdiocese Allocation Form, which will facilitate the 2020 Archdiocese Allocation process both at the Metropolis level and the Archdiocese level.
On Wednesday, February 6, 2019, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met at the Halki Theological School and issued a strong call for the reopening of the School, as His All-Holiness spoke of the “high symbolism” of the presence of the Greek Prime Minister.
All clergy, Parish Council Presidents & Treasurers, and Audit Chairs are advised that the 2020 National Ministries Allocation Form and instructions can be downloaded to prepare for the April 1st submission deadline. Click here to view.
The Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion, an international, pan-Orthodox organization welcomes presentations of Workshops and Papers at its Annual Conference, "Isolation. Violence. Hope and Communion" which will be held November 7 -9 at Saints Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church in Glenview, IL (Chicago area).
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America affirms the sanctity of life based on the firm conviction that life begins at the moment of conception. The Assembly remains steadfast in its conviction that any interference in the development of life is a serious issue, and therefore it regularly participates in a variety of relevant events and also releases pertinent statements on the topic. Read Entire Statement