Sept 01, 2024
May 2024
Christos Anesti! Kalo Mina! Happy Mother's Day!
Good afternoon Sisters,I hope that you are having a blessed Lenten season!Presidents, if you are receiving this email & you are not the President of the Chapter, please let me know who replaced you & send me the new info.The 18th Spiritual Retreat took place at the Diakonia Retreat Center on March 15th-17th. Gerry Clonaris was the presenter, the topic was "Our Journey with Christ through Lent and Holy Week."The few of us that were there enjoyed it very much and left with a spiritual renewal to start the Lenten season.All Metropolis commitments, with the exception of the Fanouropita event, are due by the end of April.National commitments for April:Saint Basil Academy-Sisterhood Fund amount determined by ChapterIOCC amount determined by ChapterPascha Campaign voluntary Chapter giftAll National commitments are due by the 30th of the following month.The National Clergy Laity will be held in San Diego, California on June 30-July 4. Delegates from your Chapters are encouraged to attend & Chapters are asked to send in sponsorships. Information may be found on the National Philoptochos website.Our Metropolis will be hosting the 20th Biennial Philoptochos Children;s Medical Fund Luncheon on September 27,2025 in Atlanta, Georgia. Please put this date down on you Chapter's & parish's calendar. This is a very big event & it will take all of us to make it successful! Please start thinking of who we can ask for sponsorships in your communities.Monies raised will provide grants to pediatric hospitals within our Metropolis.Let me know if you have any questions.A blessed remainder Lenten seasonKali Anastasi!Irene Politis
March 2024
Kalo Mina! I hope that you are all well!
In two weeks, our 18th Spiritual Retreat will take place at the Diakonia Retreat Center, March 15-17, 2024. Please register as soon as possible. All information (flyer & registration form) is on the Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos website. Gerry Clonaris will be our presenter, "Our Journey with Christ Through Lent and Holy Week." Make every effort to attend and spend time with your Philoptochos sisters at our beautiful Diakonia Retreat Center.
The National commitments for March are:
Support a Mission Priest Fund amount determined by Chapter
Orthodox Christian Missions Fund amount determined by Chapter
HCHC Lenten event Fund proceeds from Chapter's Lenten Event
Each commitment is due no later than the 30th of the following month. One check and one coupon in each envelope when submitting coupons to the lockbox. Always two signatures on the check.
The 2024 National Convention will take place in San Diego,CA from June 30-July 4, 2024. Your Chapter must be ratified and be in good standing with commitments in order to participate in the conference. All Chapters and all of us are kindly asked to be sponsors to make this a successful Clergy-Laity. Clergy Laity Sponsorship Form. The registration for clergy laity is now live on the National website.
The 2025 Children's Medical Fund Luncheon will be held in our Metropolis on Saturday, September 27, 2025 in Atlanta, Georgia. Please save this date on your Chapter's and parish's calendar. This is a very big National Philoptochos event and everyone's support is needed to make it successful.
Please send in your forms for Operation Classroom to
Let us know what your Chapter is doing, share your Chapter's news. Send info to or for National to communications@philoptochos.
Presidents, it is your responsibility to pass all this information to your members.
Let me know of any questions. Thank you for all that you do!
Irene Politis
February 2024
Good afternoon sisters,
Happy February & Happy Valentine's Day to all!
February is known as the month of love, but as Philoptochos women we show our love all year, by helping needy families, helping in schools and participating in many other philanthropic projects in our parishes and communities.
We are #PHILOSTRONG. Thank you for all you do!
This month the National commitments are:
Autism Assistance Fund amount determined by Chapter Saint Photios Shrine Fund amount determined by Chapter
Please use the preprinted envelopes and enclose one check and one coupon per envelope. Commitments are due by the 30th of the following month.
Attached are the 2024 Metropolis Commitments and membership documents.
Presidents, please read all forms carefully and please forward all this information to your treasurer.
Good luck on your membership events this month, whether you are having a tea, luncheon or a coffee, invite all women in your parish to join Philoptochos.
The 18th Annual Spiritual retreat is on March 15- March 17, 2024.
"Our Journey with Christ Through Lent and Holy Week" is the theme. presented by Gerry Clonaris.
Please register and join your Philoptochos sisters from all over our Metropolis.
Info is on our website..
Let me know of any questions.
Irene Politis
January 2024
Happy New Year! Wishing you and your families a Happy and Healthy New Year 2024!
This month the 2024 Chapter budget should be presented to the membership for a vote. It is very important for the Chapter to have a budget. You should be receiving Commitment coupons from National by January 25th. The 2024 Metropolis commitment form will be emailed by the end of the month.
The January commitments are:
Saint Basil Academy- Vasilopita Fund
All funds collected from your event or tray collections are sent to St.Basil's Academy.
Social Services Cancer and other major Illnesses Fund commitment amount is $350
Attached are the forms for Operation Classroom. Please complete these forms and send to Sarah is our Metropolis liaison.
This March we will go to the Diakonia Center for our Spiritual retreat. The dates are March15-17. Attached is all the information, print out the flyer, announce it at your meeting, have your Priest announce it also. Talk it up in your Chapter and parish. Information is also on the website.
January is Human Trafficking Month. It is important to raise awareness about this issue. National Philoptochos is hosting a webinar on January 25, at 8:00 pm. Information was forwarded to you.
National Philoptochos is also hosting a Caregiver Support Group, starting on Tuesday, January 30,2024 to Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Information was forwarded.
A reminder, all social service assistance starts at the Chapter level, once the Chapter has given assistance, then the Chapter social service chair submits the form to the Metropolis philanthropy committee. If further assistance is needed the Metropolis will submit the request to National. It is important to follow these steps. Assistance forms have to be filled out.
Thank you for all the work that you do!
Reminder, we are an army of dedicated women that work together to spread love and philanthropy in our communities!
Love in Christ,
Irene Politis
December 2023
Good evening Sisters,
It is Christmas Eve and I still can not believe what my family and I are going through. On November 27th, my son Pete,42 years old passed away unexpectedly. Our lives have forever changed. I want to thank you for all the messages and prayers as I can feel all of your love. Everyday I thank God for the gift that He gave us, to have Pete in our lives for 42 years.
A reminder for December National Commitments:
UNICEF amount determined by your Chapter
General Medical Fund amount determined by your Chapter
Christmas Campaign this is a voluntary gift from your Chapter
These are due by the 30th of the following month. Reminder, one check & one coupon in each envelope.
Attached is a message from National, please check everything off to be sure that your Chapter is up to date.
Also at this time you & your executive Board should get together to plan your budget for 2024. The Board approves it & then it is presented to the membership for a vote at the January meeting.
The Vasilopita event, held in January, is a commitment for St.Basil's Academy. All proceeds from this event provides funding for the Academy.
Thank you to all of you & your Chapter members for doing the Philoptochos work all year long!
Your support & generosity is much appreciated!
May you have a Merry Christmas full of peace and love & a Happy New Year 2024!
Irene Politis
November, 2023
Good evening Sisters,
I hope that you had a very "Happy Thanksgiving" surrounded by your families and friends!
We are very fortunate to live in the wonderful Metropolis of Atlanta. Your Chapters are actively involved in reaching out in your parishes and communities, and fulfilling the mission of Philoptochos. I am very thankful for all that you do!
The November National commitments are:
Ecumenical Patriarchate Fund, tray collection plus $100 from Chapter treasury, if your Chapter has over 100 members, please send $200 over the collection
APC-NSP Benevolent Fund this fund provides short time support for clergy and/or their families in times of need, send in any amount determined by your Chapter
All commitments are due by the 30th of the following month.
There is also a voluntary coupon this month for a Thanksgiving appeal, any amount is welcomed
The last Metropolis commitment, which was due in October is Fanouropita, if you have not sent in please do so by the end of the year to the Metropolis treasurer, Marty Driscoll.
On November 11th, the 19th Biennial Children's Medical Fund Luncheon was held in Houston, Texas, Metropolis of Denver. Over $550,000 was raised and $348,738 was distributed in grants to several children's hospitals and organizations in the Metropolis of Denver.
A major announcement was made at the luncheon that the 20th Children's Medical Fund Luncheon will be held in our Metropolis, in Atlanta, Georgia on September 27, 2025. I am asking that you contact your parish to put this date on their calendar. Everyone's support is needed!
Several of you have asked about Seminarians at Holy Cross from our Metropolis.
There are 5 men
Eric Ambrosius
Jacob Sparks
James Brewer
Karter Lenardos
Nicholas Spirakis
The Metropolis Philoptochos works with the Financial Aid Department at the school and help is sent to the school for each student according to the needs of each one. Your chapter could send a card of well wishes, gift cards or even a package of treats. This is voluntary but I am sure it will be much appreciated.
I want to remind you that if someone needs help,the assistance form has to be filled out. The Chapter helps first, as much as they can, then the Metropolis, up to our limit, and then it goes to National. These steps have to be followed. Let me know if you have questions.
Thank you again for the work that you do in your Chapters!
Irene Politis
October, 2023
Good afternoon sisters & Kalo Mina!
I hope that you are all off to a good start with your Chapter activities & meetings!
Remind your members that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, encourage them to get a mammogram, maybe have a speaker at your meeting.
Now that schools are back, all Chapters should get involved with a school in your area that could use some assistance. I know that a lot of our Chapters are small but even collecting pencils, paper, crayons etc. would help out a school. I know that it will be appreciated! Whatever your Chapter is capable of doing. Forms were sent on last month's newsletter about Operation Classroom, please fill them out & email to Sarah is on the Metropolis Board & is the Metropolis liaison for this project.
The AGAPE Luncheon was a big success in Raleigh, NC. Many thanks to Sydney Langford, Lekita Essa & their Chapter members for a well planned & successful event!
Please send in your Fanouropita commitment, this is the last Metropolis commitment for this year.
National commitment for October:
National Philoptochos Emergency Fund- amount is determined by your Chapter
Please include one check and coupon in each envelope when submitting coupons to the lockbox. Always 2 signatures on the check. Each commitment is due no later than the 30th of the following month.
Many have asked about helping the victims of the fires & floods in Greece. Donations may be sent to:
National Philoptochos Society
126 East 37th Street
New York, NY 10016
earmarked for National Philoptochos"2023 Floods and Fires in Greece"
National Philoptochos is allocating $25,000 to assist Greece towards this disaster. IOCC along with the Greek government & army will be working to help the victims.
The 2023 Children's Medical Fund Luncheon will be held on Saturday, November 11th in Houston, Texas. Please sell the raffle tickets that were sent to your parish. Let me know if you need more.
For questions you can contact me,
for tickets
Martha Stefanidakis, 281-415-5849
I hope to see you there!
Thank you for all that you do!
In His service,
Irene Politis
Metropolis Executive Board
President | Irene Politis |
1st Vice President (South) | Cindy Xenick |
1st Vice President (North) | Pres.Evi Kaplanis |
Corresponding Secretary | Effie Moraitakis |
Recording Secretary | Despina Koulianos |
Treasurer | Marty Driscoll |
Assistant Treasurer | Sydney Langford |
Legal Advisor (Ex-Officio) | Irene Steffas |
Legal Advisor (Ex-Officio) | Eleni Bafas |
Spiritual Resources from His Eminence
Rev. Fr. Michael Platanis, Dean
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Columbia, SC, has been appointed spiritual advisor to the Metropolis Board.
Fr. Michael was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and attended the Georgia Institute of Technology and Holy Cross School of Theology in Brookline, MA. He was ordained to the Diaconate at Saint George Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA and to the Presbyterate at Saints Constantine and Helen Church in South Orange NJ. He has served parishes in Kitchener, ONT, Canada, Knoxville, TN and Galveston, TX. He resides with his family in Columbia, SC and there serves the Holy Trinity Cathedral.
September, 2023
Good afternoon Sisters,
I hope that you have had a wonderful summer & a nice Labor Day weekend with your families & friends!
September 1st is the beginning of our Ecclesiastical Year. A new beginning for your Chapters and parishes. Your first meeting of the year should be planned for this month. It is recommended that your Board should meet before your general meeting so you can be better prepared. Now is the time to invite all women, 18 & over to join Philoptochos. We all have to work on increasing our membership. This is a good time to show the Philoptochos video, "Come Join Us." It can be found on the National website. Also, it would be nice to honor women that have been members for 50 years. Fifty year pins are available from the National office shop. They can be ordered online.
I have had some questions about stewardship. Continue to collect stewardship for 2023 till December 2023. Stewardship for the year 2024 starts in January 2024.
Explain that whatever they give $15 goes to National & $10 goes to the Metropolis for per capita. For example, if someone gives $25 it all leaves your Chapter, if they give $50, after the National & Metropolis per capita is paid, the Chapter is left with $25. This helps the Chapter's budget.
Operation Classroom Initiative was started in 2019 by National Philoptochos. This project helps to support students & teachers. Attached are forms & information to guide you. Our Metropolis liaison is Sara Kalaris. Email Sarah with your forms:
"Feeding the Hungry" is another way to help in your community, taking sandwiches to a shelter, collecting canned goods for a food bank. Hunger is year round in our communities, not only during the holiday seasons.
The National Philoptochos Executive Board approved an immediate disbursement of $10,000 to aid fire relief efforts in Maui. The Atlanta Metropolis Board approved to send $1,000. An appeal for donations has been started for the Maui Wildfire Relief Fund. Send donations to:
National Philoptochos Society
126 East 37th Street
New York, NY 10016
Earmarked for National Philoptochos " Maui Wildfire Relief Fund"
Thank you & let's keep all these people in our prayers!
Send in your proceeds from your Fanouropita event to treasurer, Marty Driscoll, due by October. This is the last Metropolis commitment for this year. Remember all monies that is raised for Fanouropita is sent to the Metropolis, just like in January we raise money for St. Basil's Academy, on that day all funds raised are for the National commitment, Saint Basil Academy.
National commitments for September are:
Hellenic College Holy Cross Scholarship Fund
Retired Clergy/Widowed Presvyteres Benevolent Fund
Each commitment is due no later than the 30th of the following month.
When submitting coupons to the lockbox, please include one check and one coupon in each envelope. Always 2 signatures on the check.
The AGAPE Luncheon will be held on September 16th in Raleigh, North Carolina. Metropolis Board member Sydney Langford & National Board member Lekita Essa along with their Chapter members have worked very hard to plan this event & I know it will be very successful.
The 2023 Children's Medical Fund Luncheon will take place in Houston, Texas on Saturday, November 11, 2023. More information can be found on the National website. Raffle tickets have been mailed to your parish for your Chapter. Please support this event by attending or being a sponsor, from your Chapter or individual. The sponsorship form is attached.
If you have any questions, please contact me & I will direct you. Do not call the National or Metropolis office.
For Philanthropy cases, help is provided on the local level first. The assistance form has to be filled out. You should always keep a paper trail on your cases. If more help is needed, the form may be sent to Metropolis co-chairmen Pres.Evi Kaplanis, or Tina Chagaris,chagaristina@gmail.
There are 50 Chapters that have been ratified in our Metropolis. We have 64 active Chapters in our Metropolis. If you are receiving this email & you are not the President, please send in your election results using the proper forms which are on the National Philoptochos website. All forms have to be emailed & nothing handwritten. If you did send the forms in & have not heard from National, let me know. The National office is shorthanded, you should receive ratification papers as soon as they go over them.
Communication is very important in our Chapters. Presidents, now that you will be having your first meeting of the year, let your members know what is going on. Share all the information. Encourage them to read the Philanthropy Witness that comes out monthly. Our Metropolis Philoptochos has a wonderful website. Metropolis Board member Kiki Rothman does a wonderful job posting info. Submit photos & info about your Chapter activities to or for National to communications@philoptochos.
Ladies, I feel like I know most of you but it does help when you send me an email to include your Parish & Chapter number.
Let me know of any questions & also if there is a Metropolis Board member in your Chapter, ask them for any help or advice.
I wish you all the best as we start our "new" year! Thank you for all that you do!
May God keep us all safe!
Irene Politis, President
Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos
Good evening Sisters,
I hope that you are having a wonderful summer! It is going by so fast!
The Philoptochos Board for 2023-2025 was appointed by His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios.
Irene Politis President
Cindy Xenick 1st Vice President (South)
Pres. Evi Kaplanis 1st Vice President (North)
Effie Moraitakis Corresponding Secretary
Despina Koulianos Recording Secretary
Marty Driscoll Treasurer
Sydney Langford Asst. Treasurer
Irne Steffas Legal Advisor
Eleni Bafas Legal Advisor
Linda Cepeda
Tina Chagaris
Dina Cook
Irene Fotos
Sarah Kalaris
Joan Marinos
Kiki Rothman
Margaret Sarafoglu
Julie Skouteris
Mary Wehbie
Dorothy Xanos
Evelyn Zehia
Thank you to the outgoing Board members for their service, Irene Tracy & Betty Carantza.
Thank you to the Chapters that had their elections in May and sent in their results to National to be ratified. Most Chapters have received their ratification papers, but still waiting on a few. If you are receiving this email & you are not the newly elected president, please let me know. National has requested that all Chapters need to send in their info by August 31st. If you need help or have questions contact me, 704-451-4243. Election directions are on the National website, it has to be emailed to National & can not be handwritten.
The Metropolis Clergy-Laity & Philoptochos conference in Tarpon Springs, Florida was a success. Thank you to those of you who attended. The Tarpon community planned a wonderful event! There were 67 registered delegates. The Philoptochos meetings consisted of voting & approving the 2024-2025 budget, committee reports, workshops on Treasury, Membership & Philanthropy.
Guest speakers at our meetings were:
Father Anthony Salzman Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Polly Hillier St.Photios Shrine
Monica Gjerdge Metropolis Youth Director
Helen Carlos Mothers Day Luncheon to benefit HCHC
John Long Hope Villages of America- center for victims of domestic violence
At the Philoptochos luncheon, there were two speakers talking about human trafficking.
During one of the sessions, delegates shared projects that their Chapters participated in. It was a very busy and informative few days!
Delegates were asked to please share all this information with their membership.
The 2025 Metropolis Clergy Laity will take place in Charleston, South Carolina, dates to be announced.
There is one commitment left for the Metropolis for this year, Fanouropita. Please plan an event, whether it is to pass a tray or bake Fanouropites to sell, whatever fundraiser you are able to do. Funds are due by October.
National commitments start up again in September:
HC/HC Scholarship Fund
Retired Clergy/Widowed Presbyteres
This month, you should plan a Board meeting to plan the year. It is suggested that you should have a Board meeting first & the following week have a general meeting. This keeps everyone aware of what is going on in the Chapter.
The Zoe Cavalaris Award was presented to the Birmingham, Alabama for increasing their membership, first term 46% and the second term by 34%, President Fanoula Gulas was there to accept the award. Congratulations!
Let's all try to increase our membership, encourage all women 18 & over to join Philoptochos.
The Raleigh, NC Chapter is hosting an AGAPE Luncheon on Saturday, September 16, 2023. Attached is the flyer with the info. Please consider attending. Chapter sponsorship and individual ones are accepted. Let's help make this luncheon a successful event!
If you have any questions please contact me, 704-451-4243.
Thank you for your time!
In His service,
Irene Politis, P
Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos
Xristos Anesti!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful and blessed Easter with your families and friends!
The Tarpon Springs, Florida community along with the Metropolis Clergy-Laity committee is working hard planning the Metropolis Clergy-Laity and the Philoptochos conference that will take place on June 21-25. All Chapter presidents are urged to attend! A Chapter may have up to three delegates. If the president can not attend another officer or Philoptochos member in good standing may represent the Chapter. Chapters have to be in good standing with the following:
2021/2022 National & Metropolis commitments
2023 National membership & Metropolis per capita
To register go to:
Please include the Delegate Certification Form with your registration:Delegate Certification Form Print the form, fill it out and mail it to the address listed on the form.
If your Chapter has less than 20-25 members and can not afford the registration fee ($450) for a delegate, two of our Chapters have generously offered to pay the fee. All other expenses will be the delegates. Let me know of any questions.
National commitments for April:
Sisterhood of St.Basil Academy Fund amount determined by Chapter
International Orthodox Christian Charities Fund amount determined by Chapter
Remember, when submitting coupons to the lockbox, please include one check and one coupon in each envelope. A voluntary gift for Easter may be sent in the right envelope.
Each commitment is due no later than the 30th of the following month.
Chapter elections are held in during your May meeting. Please follow all the procedures. Remember the Board has to be an odd number of members, that is including the advisor.
Let me know of any questions.
Good luck to all!
We are all working together for Philoptochos to fulfill our mission! Thank you for your time and efforts!
In His service,
Irene Politis
Good afternoon Sisters,
I hope that all is well with you and your families! Spring is here and we will be celebrating Pascha in a few days. Time is really going by fast and there is alot going on with Philoptochos!
A reminder that elections are to be held in May at your Chapter meeting. Please read and review all the bylaws concerning elections on the National website or send me an email with your questions. Good luck with your elections, Kali thinami!
The Metropolis Clergy-Laity and Philoptochos conference will be held in Tarpon Springs, Florida, June 21-25. Registration is now open. Chapters are encouraged to send delegates and also to support this conference with a sponsorship. Attached is all the information. If your Chapter is not able to afford the registration fee for a delegate please let me know.
All Metropolis committments, except Fanouropita, must be paid by April 30th in order to be in good standing to participate in the conference.
The National committments for April are:
Sisterhood of St.Basil Academy Fund amount determined by Chapter
IOCC amount determined by Chapter
Pascha Campaign voluntary Chapter gift
Each Committment is due no later that the 30th of the following month.
Always use the preprinted envelope that was provided to your Chapter. Enclose only one check and one coupon per envelope, or the payment cannot be processed by the bank.
The St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival is a nationwide program for our young people. This year the festival will be held on June 9th - June 11th in Clifton, New Jersey. Our National Philoptochos Spiritual Advisor, Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos, is kindly asking for Philoptochos Chapters to support this program of our Archdiocese for our students by being a sponsor. More info on www.goarchorg/oratorical/
The April Philanthropy Witness was sent out today, I hope that you are receiving it. Share your Chapter news on the witness by sending to: communications@philoptochos.
Save the date! The Raleigh Philoptochos Chapter will host the Agape Luncheon on September 16,2023, in Raleigh,NC at Carolina Country Club. The guest speaker will be His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa. It has been a few years that we have had an Agape event, please put this date on your calendar!
Thank you for all that you do for Philoptochos! Continue reaching out to people in need, let people know who we are!
I wish you a blessed Easter, Kali Anastasi!
In His service,
Irene Politis
Kale Sarakosti! Blessed Lent!
In May 2023, all Chapters are required to hold elections. Election information and forms have been sent out to your Parish office. If you have not received the information, let me know. Please follow all the guidelines, this is very important in order for your Chapter to be ratified. Chapter audits should take place prior to Chapter elections. An audit should be performed by a three member panel who are not members of the Chapter or a CPA that is not a member of the Chapter. Refer to the National website for more information or let me know. Good luck!
The Metropolis virtual Spiritual retreat is on Saturday, March 18th. Registration info is on our Metropolis website. Father Gregory Georgiou is the presenter. Let's all support this "retreat".
The information for Zoom access to the retreat will be emailed to each participant.
March commitments for National Philoptochos are:
Orthodox Christian Missions (OCM) amount determined by Chapter
Support A Mission Priest amount determined by Chapter
Hellenic College Holy Cross Chapters are asked to sponsor a Lenten event, if able to or pass
a tray, all proceeds go towards the commitment
Each Commitment is due no later than the 30th of the following month.
Commitments for the Metropolis are due April 30, 2023. The Fanouropita is due October 2023.
All the commitments must be fulfilled in order to be in good standing to participate in the Metropolis Clergy Laity this summer.
The Metropolis Clergy Laity will be held in Tarpon Springs, Florida on June 21-25, 2023. Plans are underway and will be sent out soon.
This is the time that 50 year members are recognized, start collecting names from your Chapter.
The National Philoptochos 19th Biennial 2023 Children's Medical Fund Luncheon will take place on Saturday, November 11, 2023 in Houston, Texas. Please consider for your Chapter to be a sponsor, forms have been mailed and are also online.
Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos, National Philoptochos advisor, is kindly asking to support
the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Scholarship Fund. It will take place at Saint George Greek Orthodox Church, Clifton, New Jersey on June 9-11, 2023.
Donations are still accepted to help the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. They may be sent to the National Philoptochos Society, 126 East 37th Street, New York, NY 10016. In the memo state "Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief Fund"
The Metropolis social service chairmen, Pres.Evi Kaplanis and Tina Chagaris are continuing to help the victims of Hurricane Ian. If you know of anyone that needs help please let them know. The assistance form has to be filled out before any help is given.
This is the case for your Chapter also, if someone asks for help for anything, they have to fill out the assistance form. It is important that you keep a paper trail. Once your Chapter has helped, then the Metropolis can assist and then we can refer to National if more help is needed.
Let us know what your Chapter is doing. Send pictures and info to
Both the National and Metropolis have a lot of information. Keep informed.
I hope that your membership events were successful!
Thank you for all that you do!
For any questions, please contact me. 704-451-4243 or
In His service,
Irene Politis
Happy February! Kalo Mina!
February is the month that your Chapters should be having membership drives, hosting events to bring in new members and reconnect with those that you have not seen in a while. There is so much information on the National website to share with your membership. Please take the time to go online and read all the information about Philoptochos. "Come Join Us" is a video that all Chapters should show to their members at your February meeting.
February is American Heart Month and Philoptochos sisters need to learn more about heart health, the most fatal women's health issue. This is a good topic for your February meeting, maybe bringing in a speaker. Also, Friday, February 3, 2023 is National Wear Red Day and on Sunday, February 5th is "Go Red Sunday." Let's raise awareness about this issue and take good care of ourselves so that we can help others.
The National commitments for February are:
Autism Assistance Fund amount determined by Chapter
Saint Photios Shrine Fund amount determined by Chapter
All commitments are due no later than the 30th of the following month that it was due.
Two signatures are required on the checks.
Always try to match what you gave in 2022 or a little bit more. Every donation that comes in is much appreciated! For 90 years Philoptochos has been committed to serving and helping those in need. A big thank you to all for your hard work!
The Metropolis commitments and stewardship per capita are due by April 30,2023 to ensure that your Chapter is in good standing to attend the Metropolis Philoptochos Clergy-Laity which will take place in Tarpon Springs, Florida in June. Information will be sent soon.
The Virtual Spiritual Retreat is Saturday, March 18, 2023. /virtual-spiritual-retreat-2023
We are looking forward to having Father Gregory Georgiou be our presenter. The topic is "The Role of Women in the Greek Orthodox Church" Please register as soon as possible and pass out this info to your members.
Again, let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for all that you do!
In His service,
Irene Politis, President
Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos
Happy New Year Sisters!
I hope that you enjoyed your Christmas holidays with your family and friends! My wish for you is good health & happiness in 2023.
As we begin the New Year, let us join together to make our Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos Chapters the best! Let us look at what we accomplished the previous year and try to do even more in 2023! The key to this is recruiting new members, involving more of your members in your projects & being kind to one another.
January is the month for the Vasilopita celebrations, send pictures to to share what your . All money that is raised from your Vasilopita event goes to St.Basil Academy Vasilopita Fund. This is our first commitment for the year. The other 2 commitments for January are:
1)Social Services Fund Minimum is $350
2)Cancer and other major Illnesses suggested $250
The 2023 coupon vouchers were mailed to your parishes in December 2022. If you have not received them, please contact me or the National office. This is our second year that National commitments are mailed to the Lockbox at the bank using the preprinted envelopes that are in your packet. No commitments are mailed to the National office. Always use the preprinted envelopes and commitments are due by the 30th of the following month. Be sure that there are 2 signatures on the check. If you have any questions please contact me,
Attached are the guidelines and forms for the Metropolis commitments and membership. No packet will be mailed. All Metropolis commitments except the Fanouropita (due in October) should be paid by April 30th in order to be in good standing for the Metropolis Clergy-Laity this summer.
Presidents, please share and forward all this info to your Chapter treasurer.
Again for any questions, contact me or the Metropolis Philoptochos Treasurer Marty Driscoll,
Your 2023 budget should be presented to your membership to vote on at your first meeting in January.
Thank you for responding to the appeal to help the victims of Hurricane Ian. We have helped several families and are continuing to offer assistance.
Several of you responded about whether or not to have a virtual or an in person retreat at the Diakonia Retreat Center.As soon as a decision is made, you will be notified. It seems like more are leaning towards a virtual event.
The Metropolis Clergy-Laity will be held in Tarpon Springs, Florida on June 21-25. Save the dates and more information will be sent as soon as it is available.
Thank you for everything that you do for your Chapters! Remember, we should all work together and support each other as we strive to fulfill the mission of Philoptochos.
In His service,
Irene Politis
October/November 2022
Good afternoon Sisters,
I hope that you are all well and enjoying the beautiful fall weather!
Let me first start by saying that our thoughts & prayers are with the parish of Fort Myers and the surrounding areas. Hurricane Ian left behind a lot of devastation with many losing their homes, cars & belongings. The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Ft.Myers had several families that were heavily impacted. Pres.Evi Kaplanis, Tina Chagaris (Metropolis Philanthropy co-chairs) & I have been in touch with Father Dean Nastos. Per the direction of His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios & Father George Tsahakis, they asked that Chapters raise funds & send to our Metropolis Philoptochos. Funds collected, please send to Marty Driscoll, 1228 Sherlock Drive, Marietta, GA 30066, check made out to Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos. Thank you to all the Chapters that have been so generous in their donations & all the nearby parishes of Ft.Myers that have been helping. All monies raised will go to aid of the Orthodox Hurricane Ian victims.The assistance form has to be filled out & returned to Pres.Evi Kaplanis. Please refer back to the email that I sent to all the Presidents on October 15th that explains the process. Philanthropy is the heart of Philoptochos, we are here to help!
The National October commitment is for the National Philoptochos Emergency Fund. The amount is determined by your Chapter.
Thank you to the Chapters that have sent in their St.Fanourios commitment for the Metropolis. If you have not, please mail as soon as possible to our treasurer, Marty Driscoll.
November has two National commitments, one is for the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which benefits the philanthropic programs and charities of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The amount is the tray collection plus $100 from your Chapter treasury.
The 2nd one is for the Archdiocesan Presvyteres Council and National Sisterhood of Presvyteres.The amount is determined by your Chapter.
Remember all National commitments are sent to the lockbox.
His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros has proclaimed that the Sunday of the Good Samaritan, which is November 13th this year, as Philoptochos Sunday. Talk to your Priest about having an Artoclasia & a Mnemosino for deceased Philoptochos members.
I have had several members ask about our Spiritual Retreat at the DRC. Save the date for March 17-19, 2023. More info will be sent out the first of the year.
Hopefully, you have had successful first meetings. Do your best to increase membership, make your meetings interesting, show the video "Come Join Us" at a meeting. Continue to let us know what your Chapter is doing, we learn from each other.
For any questions, let me know
In His service,
Irene Politis
September 2022,
Our new Ecclesiastical year started on September 1st, a new beginning for our parishes and Chapters. I know that we are all hoping for a safe and productive year!
All Chapters should be having their first Board meeting and general meeting to welcome back all the members. Membership is very important. invite and include all women 18 and over to join. Be open to suggestions and new ideas to keep your Chapter active.
The Metropolis commitment for St.Fanourios is due by October. Please send to our treasurer, Marty Driscoll.
The National commitment for September is Hellenic College Holy Cross Scholarship Fund, these funds are used to assist with tuition expenses for men and women from the college and seminarians at Holy Cross. The amount is determined by your Chapter.The other commitment for September is Retired Clergy and Widowed Presvyteres Benevolent Fund, amount also determined by Chapter, Remember National commitments are sent to the lock box with the envelopes that your Chapter received.
Attached is a flyer about a Caregiver Support Group that National is sponsoring. Please share this with your members and also with your parish. Ask your Priest to include it in the bulletin.
Let us know what your Chapter is doing, we are always looking for new ideas, we learn from each other. Please submit to communications@philoptochos.
Include what the event is, names of participants and any other information.
If you are receiving this email and you are not the current President, that means that we have not received your new information, your Chapter has not been ratified. Please let me know. If you are receiving this email for the President, please pass this on to her. Communication is important, share all information with your members.
If there is a problem in your Chapter please contact me first, and I will direct you. Do not call the National or Metropolis office. Always include your Chapter number.
Let me know of any questions you might have.
I pray that our God keeps us all safe!
In His service,
Irene Politis
August 2022,
Good afternoon Sisters,
I hope that you are having a safe, wonderful and relaxing summer! To me it seems like it is going by so fast!
The 2022 National Philoptochos Convention was a big success, everyone was excited to be together again in person. This year Philoptochos celebrated its 90th Anniversary, which made the conference even more special. One of the gifts that National gave each delegate was a pin with the number 90th emblem, it is very beautiful! There were 317 registered delegates total, 33 of those were from our Metropolis. It was a busy week starting on Monday, with the Consecration of Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine, that evening we went to Edgewater, New Jersey for a 4th of July celebration at the Yacht Club, our Metropolis delegates along with the delegates from the Metropolis of Chicago enjoyed a cocktail party one evening, we had the AGAPE Awards Breakfast, enjoyed a beautiful evening at the Metropolitan Museum and with the Clergy-Laity Congress we celebrated the Centennial of the Archdiocese at the Grand Banquet on Thursday evening. A concert followed by Despina Vandi. We had several speakers at our meetings throughout the conference. Please read reports in the Philanthropy Witness and also visit the Philoptochos website for more information and pictures.
Congratulations to the St.Elpis Philoptochos Chapter of St.Demetrios Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Juanita Antley and Cynthia Zitis were present to receive the AGAPE Award. The "Chapter Challenge" from 2020 was shown by zoom, thank you to the St.Nektarios Chapter from Charlotte, North Carolina for presenting their project of making needed improvements to the waiting area of Shelter Health Services so that the women and children who are served are welcomed into a warm, caring and compassionate environment.
The Saint Katherine's Philoptochos Society, Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Columbia, South Carolina was chosen for the 2024 "Chapter Challenge."
A resolution that was written by Board member Julie Skouteris, and that I presented to make the Prison Ministry a National Commitment was narrowly defeated. It did bring much attention to the Prison Ministry. Thank you Julie for writing this resolution.
I was informed by the National office that Chapters have been solicited by "Ukraine Relief" Organizations claiming to be working with Philoptochos by sponsoring luncheons, having fundraisers, etc. This has NOT been approved by National Philoptochos. We are only working with IOCC & the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese for the Ukrainian relief. If your Chapter wants to send a donation please send to the National Philoptochos Society at 126 East 37th Street, New York 10016, marked "National Philoptochos Ukraine Relief Fund" If you have any questions let me know.
National Philoptochos donated $50,000 to the catastrophic fire at Baluki Hospital in Constantinople. Thank God there were no casualties.
St.Fanourios is commemorated on August 27th. This is a Metropolis commitment, plan on what your Chapter is able to do to raise funds. These funds are used to help our youth attend activities in our Metropolis, when help is requested by the parish priest.
Presidents, this is the time to meet with your Board members to plan your calendar for the year. If your Chapter had delegates attending the convention, they should give a report at the first meeting in September. If your Chapter did not have delegates, refer to the National website, for information.
I want to remind everyone that if you have a request for help from someone, never write a check to the person, it should be written to whatever bill needs to be paid. Also have them fill out the social service form found on the National website. It is important to have a paper trail.
Once your Chapter has paid all they can pay, refer them to our Metropolis Philanthropy chairmen, Pres.Evi Kaplanis, or Tina Chagaris,
Do not contact the National office first. Please do not donate to "Go Fund Me" accounts.
Continue to work on increasing your membership, invite someone new to your first meeting, ask your Priest to talk about Philoptochos. Show the "Come Join Us" video at your meeting.
Thank you for all that you do! Let me know of any questions you might have.
I hope that you have a nice weekend! Xronia Polla to all that will be celebrating on August 15th. May our Panagia continue to help and guide us in our lives.
Irene Politis
May, 2022
Christos Anesti!
I hope that you celebrated a beautiful Easter with your families!
I would like to thank all the Chapters & all of you that sent in donations towards the rebuilding of the St. Nicholas Shrine. We have come so close to completing our assessment. If your Chapter has not donated, we are still accepting donations. At our last Board meeting, we voted to take some monies out of our Stewardship per capita fund to complete this assessment so our Metropolis Philoptochos will be in good standing.
A reminder that in November, the National commitment is for the Ecumenical Patriarchate, to benefit the philanthropic programs & charities of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. If your Chapter has not sent in this commitment for November 2021, please do so now. This should be sent to the National office.
The National Philoptochos Convention along with the Clergy-Laity Conference will be held on July 3-7, 2022 in New York City. Registration is online, please make every effort to at least send one delegate from your Chapter. The Boca Raton Chapter has offered to pay for 2 registrations ($700 each) for a small Chapter to attend. The Chapter has to have 25 members or less, 100% in their commitments. All other expenses, hotel, travel & miscellaneous are up to the delegate. If your Chapter qualifies & is interested please let me know immediately. Thank you to the Boca Raton Chapter for their generosity! Delegates from the Metropolis Board are Pres.Evi Kaplanis, Irene Fotos, Despina Koulianos & myself.
In order for your Chapter to receive an award at the Clergy-Laity, all National commitments for the years 2020 & 2021 must be paid & also the 2022 membership has to be paid.
Attached is the Sponsorship form for the Clergy-Laity, Please have your Chapter represented. Sponsorship Form
This year the Agape Award will be awarded to one Chapter from each Metropolis. Let us know what your Chapter has done, attached is the form. Chapter AGAPE Award Form
Also attached is the resolutions form, if your Chapter wants to offer resolutions for consideration, please fill out the form & follow the directions. Resolutions Form
The Metropolis Board at our last meeting voted to send $5,000 for the Ukrainian Relief. National is collecting the money & sending to IOCC to help the people of Ukraine.
The work of Philoptochos never ends, we are always trying to help, whether it is to provide meals, assistance with living expenses, helping children in schools, we are always there! With God's help & working together we can & do accomplish alot!
There is always information on the website
Let me know if you have any questions.
Happy Mother's Day!
In His service,
Irene Politis
March, 2022
Good afternoon Sisters,
I hope that everyone is well! As we are in the Lenten Season and looking forward to celebrating Pascha, we should all be grateful for all the blessings in our lives. Thank God that we have returned to a somewhat normal way of life, that we can meet each other again in our churches and events.
Since 2018, the Philoptochos Department of Social Services has distributed over $1,000,000 to families and individuals in need throughout the Archdiocese.
As Philoptochos celebrates 90 years of service, we want to learn the nationwide scope and range of all our Social Services within our Chapters and Metropolises.
Please complete the attached template for your Chapter for the years 2020 & 2021. Detailed information may not be available but please provide the best information that you can. Please email this form to Julie Vagelas at,
This information will be shared at our National Clergy-Laity in July.
A reminder that our virtual retreat will take place Saturday, March 19th. Please register on our website.
Thank you to all the Chapters & those of you that have sent in donations for St.Nicholas. If you have not donated yet, please consider making a donation. Any amount is very much appreciated!
National is still accepting $90 for the 90th year of Philoptochos. This money goes to the National office, make checks out to National Philoptochos.
Last week, I sent out the news release from National Philoptochos about the Ukrainian Relief Fund. Keep the Ukrainian people in our prayers and help them out as much as we can.
Presidents, please share all this information with your members.
For any questions please contact me.
Thank you for all your support!
Have a blessed Lent!
Irene Politis
February, 2022
Good afternoon Sisters,
Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope this email finds you well!
I want to thank you for the donations that we have received so far for St.Nicholas. At this time our Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos still owes around $27,000. Please if your Chapter has not donated, send in whatever you are able to. All donations are sent to Marty Driscoll, Metropolis treasurer.
January's commitment was for St.Basil's Academy. All proceeds from your Vasilopita event benefit the Academy.The other commitments for January were Social Services & Cancer & other Illnesses Fund. Remember to use the envelopes that National sent for your National commitments. The $90 donation for 90 years of service is sent to the National office.
February's commitments are: Autism Assistance Fund & Saint Photios Shrine.
February is also membership month. Invite someone new to attend a meeting, introduce them to Philoptochos. Let's all try to increase our membership!
On Saturday, March 19th, we will have a virtual retreat. The presenter is Pres.Jeannie Constantinou, Thinking Orthodox:Understanding and Acquiring an Orthodox Christian Mind. Encourage your members to participate. Registration and info is on our website
Attached is the form for Operation Classroom, January-March 2022, Please fill it out & email it to Kiki Rothman,, send pictures & info about your Chapter's projects in the schools.
The National Clergy Laity Congress and National Philoptochos Convention will take place in New York City from July 3-7, 2022. Registration & info will be sent to your Chapters from National.
Let me know if you have any questions. Continue to do the best you can, I know that it has been very difficult but I believe that we are slowly getting back to normal.
Please keep His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios in your prayers as he recuperates.
Take care and stay safe!
With love in Christ,
Irene Politis, President
Metropolis of Atlanta
January, 2022
Happy New Year! Xronia Polla!
I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season!
This year, 2022, Philoptochos is celebrating 90 years of service. Chapters and members are encouraged to send in a donation of $90 which will go to our Social Services Fund-the Heart of Philoptochos. These monies should be sent to the National office, earmarked for this appeal.
We are an "Army of Women" who are an "Army of Agape." Philoptochos continues to help and serve people in any way that we are able to as we have for 90 years and will continue to as long as there is a need.
In order to continue our philanthropy, it is important that we work on increasing our membership.
Invite someone new to join you to a meeting, call someone you have not seen in awhile, talk about Philoptochos, ask your Priest for his support to encourage all women to become members of Philoptochos. Let us know what your Chapter is doing. Please send your Chapter's news & projects to Let's help each other! January is the month for everyone to renew their membership. Explain to your members about their stewardship, $15 of what they give goes to National for per capita & $10 of what they give goes to the Metropolis for per capita. Anything over the $25 stays in your Chapter. This amount goes to your budget. New membership forms and cards will be available online mid January. Your new Chapter budget should be presented at your January meeting for the members to vote on.
Metropolis commitments amounts will be the same as last year. The 2022 Metropolis commitment form is attached. The Metropolis packet will be sent out to your church address later this month.
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Lockbox Training with National. You should have received your envelopes at your parish office. Please let me know if you have not or if there is an error on the forms. This is only for National commitments. One check and one coupon in the return envelope. (Please see the attachment) The first National commitment is for St. Basil's Academy. All proceeds of the Vasilopita event in your parish is for St. Basil's Academy.
Our Metropolis still owes $45,000 for the rebuilding of St.Nicholas. National has requested that we fulfill this request. Please look into your treasury, ask your friends or whoever is able to donate towards this project. All donations should be made out to the Metropolis of Atlanta & mailed to Marty Driscoll, Metropolis treasurer. More info will be sent out for this matter soon.
January is " Human Trafficking Awareness" month. National Philoptochos is encouraging all Chapters to get involved in their community organizations fighting human trafficking.
February 4, 2022 is National Wear Red Day, raising awareness about cardiovascular disease in women. Go on the American Heart Association website for more information, order the red dress pins for your members. These pins can be passed out to the ladies in your parish on Sunday, February 6th.
Thank you for all that you do for Philoptochos! It has been a very difficult time with COVID but I know that you are doing your best to carry out the mission of Philoptochos.
May God continue to bless us all!
If you have any questions please let me know.
In His service,
Irene Politis, President
Metropolis of Atlanta
December 2021
Dear Sisters,
As Christmas is only a few days away and 2021 is coming to a close, I want to thank you for all that you do for your Chapter, Parish and Community. Even during these trying times, we have managed to continue to fulfill the mission of Philoptochos!
I have had some questions about helping the tornado victims in Kentucky, as you should have read National sent $25,000 to help. If (we are not making an appeal) your Chapter wants to make a donation please send to:
"Team Western Kentucky Tornado Relief Fund" mail to Public Protection Cabinet, 500 Mero Street,218NC, Frankfort, KY 40601.
The Lock Box Training sessions have been successful, thank you to all who participated. If you have not registered please let me know as soon as possible.This is a required meeting per National for the president and treasurer. Please be on the lookout for the lockbox commitment coupons and envelopes that will be arriving at your churches.
After the holidays, your executive board should get together to plan the budget for 2022. This should be ready for the general meeting in January to present to your membership for approval.
It is very important for your Chapter to work with a budget.
The St.Nicholas rebuilding campaign is continuing. Our Metropolis still needs to complete our assessment. Please try to collect $10, $20 or whatever you can from every Philoptochos member and even from parishsioners. Money collected send to Marty Driscoll, Metropolis treasurer, checks made out to Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos.
The first event in the New Year for your Chapter is the Vasilopita. All proceeds go to support St.Basil's Academy. This will be the first coupon that will be sent to the lockbox.
A Philoptochos Telephone Caregiver Support Group will be starting in January. For more info and to pre-register, email Please share with your members.
For any questions, please let me know.
I hope and pray that 2022 will be a great year! With God always by our side, Philoptochos sisters always achieve so much! Let's continue to open our hearts, love one another and work together! I thank you for your love! May God bless us during this most special time of the year!
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year 2022!
Irene Politis
November 20,2021
It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is this week! Even with COVID still around it seems like time is really going by so fast! I hope that you and your families are all well and you will be getting together with your loved ones during this special time of the year.
Archbishop Elpidoforos declared the Sunday of the Good Samaritan as National Philoptochos Sunday, a day that we celebrate the legacy of this organization. Please continue to invite women to join as we need members to continue this ministry.
The Children's Medical Fund Luncheon in Indianapolis was a huge success! The Metropolis of Detroit Philoptochos did an outstanding job hosting. Over $500,000 has been raised from this event and grants totaling more than $272,000 were given out to 12 selected programs. Please read more about this event in the Philanthropy Witness. Thank you to all the Chapters and individuals from our Metropolis that sent in sponsorships.
The November National commitment is for the Ecumenical Patriarchate. This benefits the philanthropic programs and charities of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Please send in to National as soon as possible. The last Metropolis commitment is for the Fanouropita, send this to Metropolis treasurer, Marty Driscoll. Any questions let me know.
National Philoptochos is requiring that Chapter Presidents, Treasurers and Board members take part in a LOCKBOX TRAINING SESSION. Changes can be difficult but we need everyone's help to make this program successful. Our commitment reports will be generated more quickly and easily as well as Chapter contributions will be pulled up much faster. To make this work we need everyone's support. Please read attached letter.
The National treasurer, Barbara Pasalis, will be conducting the sessions by zoom. There will be NO calling in.
Our dates are:
Dec. 2nd, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30
Dec. 15th, 6:30, 7:30
Dec. 27th, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30
Please let me know as soon as possible when is the most convenient time for you to "attend"
Remember this is REQUIRED.
Presidents, I need you to forward this to your Chapter treasurer.
I know this is a busy time but we all have to participate to make this work! I will be sending you the zoom link.
Any questions contact me,
Happy Thanksgiving and wishing you many blessings during this season!
In His service,
Irene Politis
September, 2021
On Saturday, September 18th, the Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos held an informational workshop on zoom.
We were honored to have His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios, Father Michael Platanas, our spiritual advisor, as well as Father George Tsahakis, our host, join us.
His Eminence thanked us for everything that we do as Philoptochos women in our communities, reaching out to people in need especially during these times of the pandemic.
This November,it will be 90 years since Philoptochos began by Archbishop Athenagoras of blessed memory. Philoptochos has and will continue to make a difference in people's lives and communities. We are the philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
Our new ecclesiastical year began on September 1st. a new beginning for our Chapters and parishes. Even though we are still faced with this pandemic, we should be thankful for everything that God has provided to us. He gives us the strength to continue our good works!
We have 64 active Chapters in our Metropolis with about 2,600 members who are inspired by the teachings of Christ to love and care for others.
The Clergy-Laity is definitely different this year, it was planned to be held in Tarpon Springs this past June but COVID changed everything. We miss being all together! Let's pray that our lives will return to normal soon.
We had 73 registrants for this informational workshop.
Philoptochos women face many challenges and what a challenging 18 months it has been. COVID has turned our world upside down but Philoptochos women always strive to do the best we can even in the most difficult situations. A lot of Chapters have had bakes sales, fed the hungry, taken bookbags to a school, making masks, assembling health kits and other projects. I know that it has not been easy and we would be doing more if life was normal but we must safely continue to fulfill our mission of Philoptochos. By doing this work, we find not only joy in giving and helping but we are creating treasured friendships among our members. We are a Philanthropic society. We extend a helping hand to as many causes as we can and help as many people that request our help. Of course there is a procedure that must be followed, we will hear more about Philanthropy.
In order for Philoptochos to grow, we must encourage the younger women to get involved. Every woman 18 and older in our parishes need to join Philoptochos, It is our job to make them feel wanted. It is important that we work together, listen to each other, be open to new ideas and projects. When Philoptochos women see a need in the community, we react. Our mission is to promote charitable, benevolent and philanthropic outreach, to preserve the sanctity of life and family and to perpetuate and promote our Orthodox faith and traditions.
How do we achieve all of this? Membership is the key to keeping our Chapters active. We need members! You ladies are the examples in your communities, to invite and embrace new members! At a meeting show the video "Come Join Us" it is on the Metropolis and National website, it was filmed at St.Basil's Academy and it is wonderful. The Chapter from St.Christopher Church of Peachtree City,GA also made a video to attract new members. We will post it on the website.
Remember our Churches need us and we need the Church. Everything Philoptochos has achieved could not have been done without all of your efforts. Everyone of you has contributed to the success of your Chapter!
Thank you to the Chapters that had elections and have been ratified by National. If your Chapter has not had elections (should have taken place in May) please do so. Contact me for any questions.
Our last Metropolis commitment is St.Fanourios, please submit your donation as soon as possible to Marty Driscoll, our treasurer. Money collected will be used for the youth so they will be able to attend youth activities in our Metropolis.
An important National commitment in November is for the Ecumenical Patriarchate. This collection takes place on the Feast Day of Saints Cosmas and Damianos and benefits the philanthropic programs and charities of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. This is a tray collection plus $100 from the Chapter treasury. Last year because of the pandemic and trays were not passed, donations were very. I am asking you to look back on what your Chapter gave in 2018 & 2019 and try to match it this year.
Ladies, I know that several of the Chapters are small & it is hard to fulfill all of the National and Metropolis commitments but it is better to give a smaller amount than nothing at all, that way your Chapter will be in good standing. There are several larger Chapters in our Metropolis that can maybe increase their donations by 10% or 20%.
The Children's Medical Fund Luncheon will be held on November 6th in Indianapolis, Indiana. Please support this National fundraiser, I hope that all your Chapters have sent in their sponsorship. Raffle tickets were sent to your parishes, please do your best to support this effort.
Donations are still accepted for the rebuilding of the St.Nicholas Shrine, please mail to Marty Driscoll, check made out to Metropolis of Atlanta. A good way to raise some funds is to ask everyone to contribute $20, Philoptochos women and parishsioners.
A letter was sent out from National about the fires in Greece, send in any amount to National to help those affected.
Let's not forget our beloved Diakonia Retreat Center. Any help we can offer will be greatly appreciated! Hopefully we can meet again in the Spring for our Spiritual retreat.
Ladies, keep up with what is going on by visiting our website
Let us know what your Chapter is doing, send pictures,email & we will post on the website. We learn from each other.
Read the Philanthropy Witness, the National newsletter. It is sent out the first of every month and has a wealth of information. Sign up to receive on the National website.
So now, let's talk about how to have a successful Chapter and good meetings.
First of all, elect a Board with women of all ages, business women, home makers, retired ladies. Remember the Board has to be an odd number of women, not more than 21 and not less than 7 depending on your membership numbers.
At the first Board meeting appoint all committee chairs. This is a good way to keep all members
involved. This helps the President, she can not do everything.
Your Chapter should always have a budget to work with, listing the National & Metropolis commitments. The new budget is presented for a vote on the first meeting of the new year. The budget runs from January to December.
Always prepare an agenda for every Board & general meeting.This is very important, it will make your meetings run smoothly. If someone has a that they would like to speak about they should contact the president to add to agenda. Keep all of your meetings to the point by following the agenda. It is recommended that the Board members meet before the general meeting to be better prepared. Bring in interesting speakers. Meetings should not last more than an hour and a half.
Stewardship, always explain that what they give for stewardship, $10 is for the per capita for Metropolis & $15 goes to National per capita. Anything above the $25 stays in your Chapter treasury.
Communication is very important. Let your members know when you are meeting, either by posting in your church's bulletin, sending an email or a phone call, there are members who do not have an email. A good way to remember your meeting day is to have the same day every month for example, meeting on the second Tuesday of every month. Always have the priest announce the meeting the Sunday before.
Please try to lead by example, keep an open mind, be positive, be a good listener, be kind and everything will fall in place. We must be a friend to everyone! Remember kindness counts!
Thank you for participating today on this workshop. The information from the treasurer and philanthropy workshop may be found on our website,
The last commitment for the Metropolis is for the Fanouropita, please send in as soon as possible.
Thank you!
May God bless us all and keep us safe during these difficult times!
Irene Politis
September 08, 2021
Dear Philoptochos Sisters,
I hope that you and your loved ones are well and staying safe!
Our new Ecclesiastical year started on September 1st, a new beginning for our Chapters and parishes. Even though we are still faced with this pandemic, we should be thankful and optimistic for everything!. God has and will give us the strength to continue our good works!
Thank you to the Chapters that have been ratified. If your Chapter has had elections and emailed the forms and not heard from National, please let me know at Always contact me first and always include your Chapter number.
Your Chapter meetings should be starting in September, either in person or virtual. Do your best to contact all your members and invite new ladies to join.
The last Metropolis commitment is St.Fanourios, please submit as soon as possible to our treasurer: Marty Driscoll 1228 Sherlock Drive Marietta, GA 30066
The Virtual Clergy-Laity will be held on Saturday, September 18, 2021. We will be having informational workshops. You have to register to receive the zoom link from the Metropolis, no registration fee. More info is on our website,
The Children's Medical Fund Luncheon is on November 6th, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The deadline for sponsorships is Friday, September 24,2021. Let's have 100% participation from our Metropolis. This is National Philoptochos' biggest fundraiser. Raffle tickets were sent to your parish, please try to sell them, fabulous prizes!
Donations are still accepted for the rebuilding of the St.Nicholas Shrine. Make checks out to Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos and mail to Marty Driscoll. (see address above)
Attached is a letter from National about the fires in Greece. If your Chapter is able to, please send in a donation as requested. Fires in Greece
Hurricane Ida was a big disaster in part of our Metropolis. Please let me know of anyone in your parish who might be in need of help.
We have just a few Philoptochos aprons left, $20 each, let me know if you are interested.
Let everyone know what your Chapter is doing, send pictures to
Alot of information is on our website, please read and keep up with what is happening in our Metropolis.
Thank you for everything that you do and your love for Philoptochos!
Irene Politis
August 07, 2021
Dear Sisters,
I hope that all is well and everyone is safe! Summer has flown by and the new Ecclesiastical year begins next week, hard to believe! Let's pray to God that He will continue to give us strength and bless us as we go through these difficult times.
You should have received information from the Metropolis (via email) about the Virtual Clergy-Laity to be held on Saturday, September 18, 2021. if you are not the current president please forward the email to the new president. Even though the workshops are specific to the Chapter President & treasurer, the information will be beneficial to your Chapter members. Encourage your members to register for this virtual workshop, there is no registration fee. Only those registered will receive the zoom information from the Metropolis.
The workshops will be as follows:
Opening remarks & welcome 8:00am-8:30am
Chapter President workshop 8:30am-9:10am
Treasurer workshop 9:10am-9:50am
Philanthropy workshop 9:50am-10:30am
Closing remarks 10:30am-10:45am
Philoptochos participants are also invited to "attend" the Plenary session beginning at 11:00 am-12:30 pm. Attached is the Plenary registration letter from Nick Moraitakis. You have to register to receive the zoom link.
The last Metropolis commitment is for St.Fanourios. I know it is difficult to have events but maybe pass a tray. If your Chapter can not do anything please contribute any amount from your treasury. this way your Chapter will be in good standing with your commitments.
I want to remind you again for your Chapter or yourself to be a sponsor for the Children's Medical Fund Luncheon.Information is online on the National Philoptochos website. Thank you to the Chapters and members that have donated! Let's try to have 100% participation from our Metropolis. Raffle tickets have been sent to your parish, please sell them, if you want more let me know.
There are Chapters that have not sent in any election results, please do this as soon as possible. It is very important for your Chapter to be ratified. If you have any questions, please reach out to me first at Do not contact National.
Hope to "see" you soon!
Irene Politis
June 2021
Good afternoon Sisters,
Xristos Anesti!
I want to thank you for reaching out to me during this difficult time for my family. I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers!
Your Chapter elections should be completed or in the process of doing so. If not please try to get them done as soon as possible! For any questions refer to the bylaws for election procedures or contact me. Waivers will be allowed for officer positions but only in extreme circumstances. These must be submitted to me & I will let the National office know.
All election documents can be found on the National Philoptochos website.
No handwritten forms will be accepted by National, they will only accept results using the online Excel form.
Remember, odd number of Board members are elected.
Attached are sponsorship forms for the Children's Medical Fund Luncheon that will take place in Indianapolis,Indiana on Saturday, November 6,2021. Please have your Chapter be a sponsor for this event. Let's all help, ask your friends and parishioners to consider being a sponsor for this wonderful event.
Thank you for all your work and love for Philoptochos!
Keep in touch!
In His service,
Irene Politis
May, 2021
Xristos Anesti!
I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter & a very Happy Mother's Day!
I want to let you know the reason you have not heard from me. My brother in law, my husband's brother,Angelo, 64, tragically died on Easter Sunday, he was eating steak & choked. We are all devastated! Please keep us in your prayers!
Chapter elections are taking place this month. Let me know of any questions you might have. remember odd number of Board members. The Board members & officer results are emailed to National on the appropriate forms, no hand written results will be accepted.
All of your Metropolis commitments were due the end of April. Please if you have not sent them do so as soon as possible. ( Fanouropita event takes place in the fall & money sent in then)
All these monies are sent to the Metropolis treasurer, Marty Driscoll, 1228 Sherlock Drive, Marietta, GA 30066.
National Commitments for May/June
75th Anniversary Founders Fund amount determined by Chapter
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) amount determined by Chapter
Money is still accepted from your Chapter for the St.Nicholas Shrine. Send money collected to our treasurer, Marty Driscoll & she will forward to National.
Aprons are still available, $20 each, let me know.
Continue to invite women to join Philoptochos, if you are having an end of the year event ask someone to come with you.
Together we can accomplish alot! Continue to do your good works & let me know what is going on in your Chapter.
I wish you & your families "Xristos Anesti" during this Easter season! May God continue to help & guide us!
Irene Politis
April, 2021
I hope all is well with you & your families! Spring is here, a time of renewal!
This is a reminder that when you are sending your membership list to National please be sure to use the correct forms. Visit
Philoptochos elections are held in the month of May. Please visit the National website to read & review the Bylaws for elections & there is also a document about frequently asked questions & answers for elections. The National office will only accept the results using the online Excel form.
Thank you to the Chapters that have sent in money for St. Nicholas Shrine appeal. National is asking for $20 from each member. Money collected is sent to our Metropolis treasurer, Marty Driscoll. Let's all try to participate in this project!
There are a few Philoptochos aprons left, $20 each. Let me know & I will ship them to you.
If you have any questions about membership, elections or about St.Nicholas appeal, please let me know first, contact me at Include your Chapter no. & parish.
The Philoptochos Spiritual Retreat was a success! Frederica Matthews-Grreen was a wonderful speaker! Hopefully, she will be able to join us at the Diakonia Retreat Center in the future for another retreat. Father Gregory Georgiou officiated the services (Friday night lamentations & Saturday of Souls Divine Liturgy) from St.Barbara's, Durham,NC. Thank you to Joan Marinos & her committee for organizing this event.
Everything was recorded on Zoom & will hopefully be posted on our Metropolis website soon.
Many of you have asked about the Clergy-Laity, as soon as I receive information, I will let you know.
The Metropolis commitments are due on April 30th. Do your best to send in something in order to be in good standing, a little is better than nothing at all! The St.Phanourios commitment is due in the fall.
National commitments due are:
Orthodox Christian Missions (OCM)
Support A Mission Priest
Hellenic College Holy Cross
Saint Basil Academy-Sisterhood Fund
This has been a very trying period during the crisis, but hopefully we will be getting back to some kind of normalcy. Let's all look on the positive side & continue to work together as best as we are able to.
In closing & as we approach the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, I wish everyone Kali Anastasi!
In His service,
Irene Politis
February 1, 2021
Happy February!
I hope that you are all well and staying safe! Time is going by fast, it's hard to believe that we have been in this pandemic for a year! Hopefully, we will be getting back to some state of normalcy soon!
Chapter Presidents, by now you should have received the National commitment coupons at your parish office. If not, let me know, these are also online.
The Metropolis packet was also sent out on January 21st, to your parish office.
The packet information which includes letter, 2021 Commitment form, Tracking sheet, Stewardship per capita membership form, guidelines is also available on our website under "Treasurer Forms"
If you have not received this please email Marty Driscoll,
Let me know if you have any questions.
February commitments for National are:
Autism Assistance Fund
Saint Photios Shrine
Amounts are determined by Chapter, remember any amount is better than nothing at all!
Friday, February 5th is National Wear Red Day, everyone is asked to wear red in order to raise awareness to eradicate heart disease and strokes especially among women. The American Heart Association has alot of information online, please read.
At the 2020 Virtual Philoptochos Convention, the initiative "Kindness Counts" was introduced.
The Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17, 2021. Please read the February Philanthropy Witness for more info. Kindness goes a long way!
February is also our membership month, reach out to women to join Philoptochos. A phone call, a note, make someone feel included so that they will want to join. Have your Priest announce in church about Philoptochos, maybe (if allowed) have a sign up sheet in the Narthax or put a message in the church bulletin.
Philoptochos aprons are still available, $20. Let me know & I will ship to you.
Our Spiritual Lenten Retreat will be virtual this year on March 19th & 20th. Registration forms & info are online on our website. Registration is $50. We are fortunate that the speaker that was scheduled for last year's retreat is able to be with us this year. Frederica Mathewes-Green will be the presenter, topic is " The Three Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving." Please register soon! Encourage your members to "attend."
This May Chapters will be having elections. A screening committee may be appointed by the President now, to determine eligibility for the election of all members of the Chapter. An election committee, consisting of a chairman and two members, will be appointed by the President. These members may not run for office. They will preside over the election meeting. Please read up on the by-laws online and let me know if you have questions.
The Metropolis Clergy-Laity will not be held in June. More info will be available soon.
Save the Date, November 6, 2021 for the 18th Biennial Children's Medical Fund Luncheon hosted by the Metropolis of Detroit Philoptochos in Indianapolis, Indiana.
This event is the largest fundraiser for the National Philoptochos. I hope that many of you will be able to attend. More information will be mailed to your Chapters.
Ladies, let me know what your Chapter is doing during these difficult times. Stay connected with one another and also in your community!
We should all remember to love one another as Christ loves each one of us. Love the people who need our help, it means alot to those who have nothing. What a great feeling we have when we offer food, collect clothes, pay a bill etc for someone. This is true Philanthropy!
Stay safe, wear your mask, wash your hands! Take your vaccine!
Continue to pray for this pandemic to end!
Thank you for everything that you do for Philoptochos!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Your sister in Christ,
Irene Politis
January 1, 2021
Good evening sisters,
Happy New Year 2021! May the New Year bless us with good health, love, happiness and kindness!
On January 1st, we celebrate the feast day of St.Basil the Great. He established hospitals, orphanages, soup kitchens and helped the poor. This is what Philoptochos is about, our mission. It is fitting that our first National commitment is to support St.Basil Academy, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese home for children in need. All money raised from Vasilopita events is sent to National for St.Basil Academy.
The other commitment for January is Social Services. National Philoptochos has done an amazing job helping people in need. A total of $332,528.77 has been given out since January 1, 2020.
I know that it has been a very difficult year, but please try to match what your Chapter gave last year, especially the larger Chapters, try to add $10, $20 or even more to your commitment.
Ladies, thank you for all the work that you do for Philoptochos, especially during this past year. Hopefully with the vaccine, our lives will come back to some normalcy where we can worship together and have fellowship with one another!
Remember to reach out to someone you have not seen in awhile, send a note, show kindness to one another.
Let me know if you have any questions. If your Chapter has a zoom meeting, let me know, I will be happy to "attend."
I hope that we all have a blessed and Happy New Year!
Irene Politis
December 2020
Good evening Sisters,
Happy December! I hope that this message finds you and your families healthy and well!
The month of December always brings hope, joy, peace and love all around us. Even though this has been a very different year, we as Philoptochos women have reached out to help in our parishes and communities by bringing love and hope in all that we do! Please continue to share what your Chapters are doing and it will be posted on our website.
Thank you to all for participating in "Giving Tuesday," there is still time to donate by going on the National website. All money raised goes towards Social Services-the heart of Philoptochos.
The following ladies were appointed by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros to be on the National Board from our Metropolis.
Presbytera Mary Christy
Martha Driscoll (honorary)
Lekita Essa
Pamela Filutowski
Irene Fotos
Valine Georgeson
Betty Lantz (honorary)
Helen Malachias (honorary)
Effie Moraitakis
Irene Politis
Valine Scaljon (honorary)
Evan Scurtis
Irene Steffas
Julie Vagelos
Congratulations to all! I know that we will all do our very best to work together and continue the many ministries of Philoptochos.
Please send in (if you have not already done so) your St. Fanourios commitment by the end of the year. I know that due to Covid-19 events were cancelled but try to send in whatever you are able to. Remember, it is best to send in something than nothing at all!
This month is the time to plan out your budget for 2021. Make time to get together with your executive board so it can be presented to your membership for approval in January.
The committee for the Spiritual Retreat is having to make some changes due to Covid-19.
Information will be sent out in January.
The Philoptochos aprons make great Christmas gifts! Just a few more to sell,$20. Help support our Metropolis Philoptochos! Let me know!
For any questions please reach out to me!
As we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, may our hearts be filled with love,hope and peace. May God bless us now at Christmas and into the New Year!
Merry Christmas to you and your families!
Stay safe!
Irene Politis
September, 2020
Dear Philoptochos Sisters,
I hope and pray you and your families are doing well, wearing masks, social distancing and washing your hands!
Our new ecclesiastical year began on September 1st marking a new beginning for our parishes and Philoptochos Chapters. May this new year be filled with health, peace and prosperity. Like most of you , I'm ready to leave 2020 behind and optimistically look forward to a new ecclesiastical year and a return to normalcy. Let's continue to pray to God for strength and to fill our hearts with love for one another. Remember "Kindness Counts." #PHILOLOVE
Although many of our Philoptochos events were cancelled due to COVID-19, our strong and resourceful Philoptochos women have discovered ways to safely gather to assist and support the less fortunate. You're encouraged to send pictures (with short descriptions) of your Chapter's activities to communications@philoptochos.
Listed below , please find a few reminders and action items:
Feel free to invite me to your Chapter's virtual meetings, I'm happy to "attend"
Do your best to stay in contact with your members!
The Metropolis St.Fanouris commitment is due in October. Please remember to note your Chapter Number on your remittance, also applies when sending in your commitments to National.
Thank you to the Chapters who donated to the National Philoptochos COVID-19 Emergency
Fund. Any amount is a big help and adds up quickly. Please send donations to:
National Philoptochos Society
126 East 37th Street
New York, NY 10016
The " Feed the Hungry " program continues, report your numbers to
Remember we still have some Philoptochos aprons, $20 each, I will ship them to you.
National Philoptochos sent $25,000 to the Metropolis of San Francisco to help those who have been affected by the fires. Let's keep them in our prayers!
Our Social Service Department, both the National & Metropolis continues to help those in need. This is what Philoptochos is about! #PhiloCares Please follow the right procedures when someone asks for help.
The first virtual National Philoptochos Conference was a big success! Remarks were positive, even though we were apart, we all felt connected meeting on zoom. Delegates should give a report to their Chapters.
Keep up with what Philoptochos is involved in, read the Philanthropy Witness, visit the National & Metropolis website. Thank you for everything that you do to promote Philoptochos.
Sisters, in closing please remember to take care of yourself. This is a difficult time for all but with patience and prayer we will hopefully return to our normal life.
Stay safe!
Irene Politis
August, 2020
Good afternoon Sisters,
This past Friday & Saturday, National Philoptochos held our first virtual convention. Our Metropolis was nicely represented with a total of 93 registered, a few of which were observers. The total registered for the convention was 613! It was an amazing meeting & you could feel the love & devotion that Philoptochos women have. We were together with zoom but yet apart!
The meeting started on Friday with an introduction of the National President Maria Logus, from Barbara Pasalis, Secretary, National Philoptochos Executive Board and Convention Chair. Madame President highlighted what National Philoptochos has accomplished the last 2 years 7 especially since Covid-19. Donations to Meals on Wheels, & Feeding America, the #Masks on campaign, creating a COVID-19 Emergency Fund. & giving out $4,000,000 in grants since 2018.(Several organizations from our Metropolis received grants, they will be listed on the National website.) Crystal Thomas,President, Metropolis of Pittsburgh Philoptochos Board & Convention Co-Chair welcomed all the delegates.
An invocation was given by our Spiritual advisor, His Grace Bishop Apostolos. A message was given by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, praising the Philoptochos women for everything that we do.
Martha Stefanidakis, National treasurer, reported that total distributions from January 1,2018 through July 31, 2020 were $4,540,422. This was all done through the efforts of our Chapters and individuals. The 2021-2022 Budget was presented and adopted.
Presentations were presented for Hagia Sophia, Leadership, Emergency Fund, Public Relations, Operation Classroom & Membership. Paulette Geanacopoulos, Director, Department of Social Services gave a report on Social services. All of these will be available on the National Philoptochos website.
Young Philanthropists were introduced from the different Metropolis' & congratulated by Nia Vardalas.
We heard from speakers about COVID-19, Opioid Addiction & Recovery & the Prevalence and Dangers of Vaping. The presentation on Opioid Addiction will not be posted on the National website because Tony Hoffman is a highly requested substance abuse speaker in the US. You may google him for more information.
A new initiative was introduced, "Kindness Counts." Kindness month is November & will be celebrated on November 13, 2020. #philokind, #kindnessis free, remember to always be kind, it counts! Starting in January we will receive more info on this.
A report was given by President George M.Cantonis, Hellenic College/Holy Cross. They will be having online classes in the fall due to the pandemic. He acknowledged our $275,000 gift to upgrade their wireless network on the college campus.
The 2021 Children's Medical Fund Luncheon will be on November 6,2021 in Indianapolis, Indiana, Metropolis of Detroit. (see attachment)
Resolutions that were voted on & passed:
1.Streamline the ratification of Chapter Board of Directors and Officers
2.Clarify the role of the Advisor to the Board
3.Clarify the waiver process
4.Support of Hagia Sophia
National Philoptochos AGAPE Awards were announced from each Metropolis
The recipient from our Metropolis is:
Fran Papamichael Saint Mark, Boca Raton, Florida
Congratulations to Fran on receiving this well deserved AGAPE award!
Other nominees from our Metropolis were:
Irene Kroustalis Annunciation, Winston-Salem, NC
Charlotte Lechlak St. Luke, Mooresville,NC
Vasso Poulos Holy Trinity, St.Augustine, Fl.
Beba Zevgolis Holy Trinity, Raleigh,NC
Congratulations to all these very deserving Philoptochos women!
Georgia Vlitas, Feed the Hungry Program Challenge chairman, announced that the 1.5 Millionth Meal was served from the Metropolis of Chicago,#2034, St.Constantine & Helen but we surpassed our goal! From 2018-2020, 2,161,073 meals were provided. The Boca Raton Chapter #5060 served the most meals in our Metropolis with a number of 120,216. Congratulations ladies for your hard work! Please continue this program, I know times are hard & difficult but let's all keep trying to reach out in our communities.Please continue to send in numbers to
Our new Ecclesiastical year is coming up, times that we should be meeting & planning for the year. Covid-19 has almost made this impossible, do your best to keep up with your members either by Zoom, conference calls or social distancing at your church hall or outside at a restaurant. Let me know what your Chapter's plans are & we can share with each other.
Reminder that our St.Fanourios commitment is due in October.
Please remember when you mail in your check whether it is for National or Metropolis to always put your Chapter no. on the checks.
I know that fundraisers & alot of festivals have been cancelled & it is hard to get together to have fundraisers. I would like to share what Chapter#5003, Ft.Lauderdale,Fl. did virtually & they raised $1000 in 10 days. (See attachment)
Share your ideas & let us know what your Chapter is doing.
All delegates should report to their Chapters about the convention.
Please consider giving to the National Philoptochos COVID-19 Emergency Fund. Whatever you can donate will be a big help to those in need. Send checks to National Philoptochos Society
126 East 37th Street, New York, NY 10016, earmarked for COVID-19 Emergency Fund.
Let me know if you are having a zoom meeting, I will be happy to join.
Like I said before most of this information will be on the National Philoptochos website & on the Philanthropy Witness. Please read this newsletter, send in any communications to communications@philoptochos.
Send me your thoughts on the meeting.
Thank you for all that you do!
Wear your mask, wash your hands & stay safe!
Irene Politis
Chapters have done an excellent job of reaching out to help in their communities, by donating money, delivering meals to food banks, making masks etc. Please continue to do whatever you are able to, but be safe! Let me know what you are doing and we will post on our website and Facebook. Feeding the Hungry project is still ongoing, please continue to report your numbers to
Fundraisers have been cancelled and it has been a strain on the Chapters but look at your budget and make an effort to send in whatever you are able to. You might sider having a virtual fundraiser. Please share your ideas.
Thank you to all the Chapters for donating to National's Covid-19 fund. These monies are available to assist anyone in need because of Covid-19. Please contact Pres.Evi Kaplaniis, or Tina Chagaris, they are available to discuss any situation. Assistance procedures will be followed.
National Philoptochos donated $25,000 to Feeding America & $25,000 to Meals on Wheels America. These were immediate disbursements in March due to the Covid-19.
The Virtual Graduation Party that National put together was wonderful! I hope that you saw your graduates on the video. Congratulations to all graduates and their families!
Orthodox Christian Network had a "Talk" with Philoptochos last week. National President Maria Logus and Director of Social Services Paulette Geanacopoulos were the guests. Maria gave a history on Philoptochos and what we do and Paulette explained how Philoptochos provides support to individuals in need during this pandemic and other times when they are faced with hardships.Both videos are on the National website.
The Virtual Philoptochos Clergy-Laity will be held on August 21-22, 2020. Each Chapter may have 3 delegates and as many observers as they want. The Chapter President should be one of the delegates. All Chapters should be represented. The Agape Award from our Metropolis will be announced. Save the date. More details to follow.
Chapter Presidents, please share this message with your members. I want to encourage you to keep in contact with your members by having virtual meetings. Let me know when you have one & I will be happy to "attend."
Philoptochos aprons are available, $20 each. They make great gifts, let me know & I will ship to you!
Continue to pray the " Prayer of Protection" everyday. Keep His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios, His Grace Bishop Sevastianos and our spiritual advisor Father Michael Platanis as well as all our Priests in your prayers.
Sisters, thank you for all that you do in your communities to fulfill the Philoptochos mission!
Have a good and safe rest of the summer, wash your hands & wear your masks!
I love all of you!
Contact me for any questions, or 704-451-4243.
God bless us all!
In His service, Irene Politis