Winter Youth Rally Chairman
Fr. Steven Klund
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Wilmington, NC
All Orthodox teens in 7th-12th grade in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta who are involved in their local parish's GOYA and Church School program are invited to attend the Winter Youth Rally. Join us in Atlanta, GA December 27- 30 to compete in tournaments representing your church community. Each parish must have a Lead Advisor assigned by the parish priest for GOYANs to attend!
Lead Advisor
The Lead Advisor is assigned by the Parish Priest. The Lead Advisor must be 25 years old and will work as the liaison between the Metropolis and the local parish before and during the Winter Youth Rally. The metropolis will inform the Lead Advisor which GOYANs from the local parish have registered. The Lead Advisor is responsible for all team registrations, team assignments, roommate assignments and confirming that the local parish follows the minimum 1 Advisor: 10 GOYAN Ratio set by the Metropolis. The Lead Advisor must be a registered, screened, and trained youth worker and confirm all advisors and coaches are also compliant youth workers. Must present Certificate of Compliance upon arrival.
Please Note: Priest are NOT Lead Advisors.
Advisors must be 21 years old who are active in the life of the parish. They are responsible for all GOYAns entrusted to them for the duration of the WYR, including transportation to and from and during the WYR. They will work with their parish Lead Advisor to ensure the safety and whereabouts of the GOYAns of their local Parish. All advisors are required to stay at the hotel and must be registered, screened and trained youth worker. Must present Certifiate of Compliance upon arrival.
Please Note: Priest are NOT advisors.
A coach must be at least 19 years old and will work with the local parish's Lead Advisor to ensure team is registered for the event and all players are registered to attend the WYR. If a coach is 21 years old, they can also be counted as an advisor/chaperone but must stay at the hotel. No Coaches/Assistant Coaches under 21 years old are allowed to stay at the hotel during WYR. All coaches must be a registered, screened, and trained youth worker. Must present Certifiate of Compliance before first game.
A 7th-12th grade student who is a participant in the GOYA ministry of a Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta parish and is active in the full life of the church. The Winter Youth Rally is an all or nothing in regards to participation. All GOYAns will need to be assigned a parish advisor/chaperone from their parish to attend the WYR. Please indicate which event you will be participating in during registration.
Minimum age of 12 years old.
On or Before October 31 - 100% Refund
November 1 - November 30 - 50% Refund
As of December 1 - No Refund